I have been drawing with splines quite a bit over the last week or so and feel that I have a fairly good grasp of how to use them. I will attach a .txt file that I converted from a .dxf file. If someone want to view it in a CAD program, download and save as .dxf.
However, the instructions in the Splines tutorial wiki here appear to be wrong, based on my experience:
http://wiki.librecad.org/index.php/Spline_tutorial_1Particularly this part about moving or adjusting the spline points: "move/copy there is to do: Sc82-007.png + Sc82-013.png give " in the last paragraph before the Final Remark and Conclusions.
When I use the Move/Copy button, it moved the entire entity, not just the points.
I omit using this selection and I am able to adjust one point at a time only, to achieve the curved desired.