Suggestion for "Divide into" tool

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Suggestion for "Divide into" tool

Hi all!
LibreCAD has no way to easily divide (or simply mark) a line or circle into N segments.
The plugin "Divide" exists but it is not well integrated into the application and such command should be natively part of "Modify" menu.
Thank you in advance.
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Re: Suggestion for "Divide into" tool

Hi! 👋

You're right, LibreCAD currently lacks a user-friendly way to divide a line or circle into equal segments directly within the application. While the "Divide" plugin exists, better integration into the "Modify" menu would definitely enhance usability.

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Re: Suggestion for "Divide into" tool

well, that actually depends on the version of LibreCAD.

Starting from 2.2.1 (it should be released soon), there is a "slice/divide" command that supports such division for lines and circle/arc.

In 2.2.2 (development alpha - there are even more tools and features to check
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Re: Suggestion for "Divide into" tool

I have 2.2.0-alpaha, I had no difficutlies at all, draw a circle, select it, select Modify/Divide, select reference point, click to midpoint, and then how many slices you want.