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Ries/ everyone.
I think we need the following "sub-forums" for this forum. 1.General Announcements. 2.Chat section -talk about whatever! Under "User" 3.Tips & Tricks. 4.Need Help? problems & Solutions - look here first to see if it has been addressed! 5.Bug reporting - add link to Sourceforge. 6.Feature requests - add link to sourceforge. 7. User Gallery (great for inspiration for new/old users). 8. User Library -people can submit blocks etc.. e.g. symbols, drawing templates etc... *I think the option to be able to reply to a topic in Nabble without having to quote the whole of the last message! May be one or two extra "User" forum moderators (yes I may be interested Ries ). ![]() |
her are my answers, please understand that I don't understand wiki's, so I am open to suggestions. In general I would like to see sections for LibreCAD MASTER and current active branch (master currently, 2.0.0) from this will will generate manuals PDF, website manual and inline librecad manual. This should be high quality content. A true manual... We can for sure have a tips and tricks sections and other sections. But mostly i would like the wiki seen beeing used as a manual. On Feb 20, 2012, at 9:38 AM, Clive [via LibreCAD] wrote: Ries/ everyone. This would go into the blog/website… I don't think it should be in a wiki
Under "User" Isn't it why there is a forum?
I agreed
What sort of problems and solutions? I was thinking the forum should be suitable for this because then users can respond to eachother.
May be have on the left hand menu some quick links? We need to prevent that people add bug reports to a wiki. If I see that happening, I will delete them...
See item 5. We should have a link in the left menu. So people won't add feature requests in a wiki.
I am a bit so… so.. on it, I don't see why we should have this, people can show of there works in a forum or on there own website. These personal pages can quickly get outdated and show the incorrect state of LibreCAD.
I like this… But how can we make sure people won't upload porn, nonsense and use it as a general file sharing tool? How can we ensure the uploaded content has the right license so peopel won't upload all symbols they find in a other CAD package?
I use my mail client :) Seems to work fine….
What sort of rights do you need? I haven't looked in Nabble for a while, but I am sure I can set somebody as moderator :)
Ries - I guess what I was thinking was that if there are a couple of extra sub -folders for Tips, solutions etc. new users could easily find answers, rather than scroll through a long list of topics!
Side links -yes , thats the answer for Bugs/feature submission! There must be an option to set the "kind" of uploaded content somewhere in Nabble? I think the better organised the Forum is for beginners - more people will use and contribute to the project. "User" moderators could move topics about to the appropriate sub forum etc.. Delete inappropriate posts etc..... |
On Feb 20, 2012, at 11:30 AM, Clive [via LibreCAD] wrote: Ries - I guess what I was thinking was that if there are a couple of extra sub -folders for Tips, solutions etc. new users could easily find answers, rather than scroll through a long list of topics! I think the tips is great and we should for sure have that on the forum.
I see Nabble more as a system to communicate, not as a storage for 'stuff'. I think at some point we could have that on the website ( I could make a extension where a user can upload the symbols.
Agreed, no doubt about that!
I think this is very true. Although, with inappropriate we need to be care full and only delete something when it's shouting, cursing, ranting religious calling etc… Not just a wrong post, we should't try to be a internet police .. I will look into Nabble and see if I can set you as moderator.. Ries
Yes agreed a section on the "main" website would be great for submitting Library blocks etc.
Sorry yes - that`s what I meant, moderartors could keep an eye on any abusive, shouting, racial comments etc.. in posts and delete them or make a warning, and generally try to keep things in the right direction. Ok I`ll leave the set up to you for adding moderators. ![]() |
On Feb 20, 2012, at 12:01 PM, Clive [via LibreCAD] wrote: Yes agreed a section on the "main" website would be great for submitting Library blocks etc. Done! Clive, you are now Forum Moderator :) Let me know if you have the correct permissions. Ries
OK Ries, thanks - oh no -what have I let myself in for!
![]() Sure, I`ll let you know if I have the correct permissions. |
Hi Ries
No it seems I dont have the correct permissions for moderating! Thanks Clive |
can you try again? Some settings where dropped off… newbie error on my end I guess :) Ries On Feb 23, 2012, at 6:49 AM, Clive [via LibreCAD] wrote: Hi Ries |
I now have the option to move a post, but I will also need options to Edit and Delete. Edit -> for advising if necessary etc... Delete -> for removing any rude, racial, bad comments etc... (I hope we don't get any at all!) Thanks clive |
Actually Ries, I`m wrong I only need the extra option to delete a post if absolutely necessary beacause of rudeness etc...
I dont need the Edit option for other users because I can reply if I need to! Thanks Clive |
you should have all rights a moderator can have. Can you see if you have delete rights? if not I need to send a mail to the people of nabble to know how I can enable that. Ries
On Feb 24, 2012, at 3:23 PM, Clive [via LibreCAD] wrote: Actually Ries, I`m wrong I only need the extra option to delete a post if absolutely necessary beacause of rudeness etc... |
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