Symbol library standards

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Symbol library standards

Hello all,

Are there any symbol libraries available?  Or more specifically any
guidelines for creating "standard" libraries?

I have started creating some of my own and found some issues with scale
and grid connections that make me concerned over spending considerable
time to later discover they are all wrong.  I can see where landscape
symbols, office furniture and electronic devices could all be at
different scales and some might not even use grid connecting points.  
However these examples are not intermixed in the same drawing to create
a problem.  Symbols of a similar group from different sources that could
be used together and of different scales would create a lot of extra
effort to rescale there use every time and connect.  So using
established standards or at least standards consistent with available
sources should be a primary consideration.  For my own development the
use of templates and symbol libraries together appear to be the best way
to proceed to address some of these issues.

Thank you for your consideration,