Text isn't composed of polylines???

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Text isn't composed of polylines???

I have a drawing that has two layers, "0" for the main design and "Etchings" for lines, etc and text to be scribed on the face of the object.  The text was created with Mtext and the text is to be scribed onto the metal face.  The laser cutting shop came back to me with:  "The text wasn't showing up because it wasn't composed of polylines which is what our lasers need to see to make cuts."

Does this make any sense?  I didn't see anything in the manual about text being polylines.  I'm pretty new to all this so can someone tell me how to make text as polylines (to comply with the shop needs).  
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Re: Text isn't composed of polylines???

R. van Twisk
Sigh... workshops always want to have them as polylines :)

You need to tell LibreCAD to convert them, I think the explode command (top of my head, have not worked with LibreCAD for some time...) can do that.

you should then beable to to select each line, then send it back to the machineshop :)
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Re: Text isn't composed of polylines???

Okay, I've exploded the text into individual letters.  I've tried, under Tools>Polylines, to convert an individual letter to a polyline.  The letters do not seem to be selectable.  There must be a simple answer here that I'm just not seeing.

Once exploded, is a letter a line or is it a block with a line or image in the block?  I'd guess that it is a line.  But it seems the polyline function/command does not recognize it.

After the text was exploded and I could get no further adjustment to the letters, I uploaded the file to the cut shop for a quote.  The cut shop final image of what the job would look like had no letters at all.  That might be an error or their part or it could be that the conversion process is incomplete.

Please advise.
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Re: Text isn't composed of polylines???

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If you explode a text into individual letters, these still are text. You can check this with Tools - Modify - Properties.
You have to use the normal Tools - Modify - Explode. Then you get simple line elements.
Not polylines, though. Polylines have to consist of consecutive line or arc elements touching each other at the ends. As this is not applicable to many letter shapes, you can't make polylines out of text.
Try and send the file with text exploded to normal line elements to the laser cut shop. I'm not experienced in this field but I think it should work.
If it is not accepted you could convert those line elements of a letter that can be made into a polyline. Very tedious though, if you have a lot of text.
How can the shop's software detect a text converted to simple lines is text?