I've taken the tool descriptions
(tool-descriptions) and have inserted them into lc_actionfactory.cpp. I put the text into the line to sets the WhatsThis property [e.g. action->setWhatsThis("Draw a line between two assigned points.") ]. After compiling, I can run LibreCAD and get the text to appear by selecting at tool and pressing [F1]:

I also tried adding the setToolTip method [e.g. action->setToolTip("Draw a line between two assigned points."); ] recompiled, etc, but the tips don't appear when I hover with the mouse. I do see tips when I hover over snaps, zooms, etc on the tool bars. Can anyone offer a suggestion on how to get the tips to appear for the drawing tools?
Update: It appears there is a bug with qt that prevents tool tips from appearing. Oh well...