Why is it 1 year that the latest release is a "Release Candidate" ?

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Why is it 1 year that the latest release is a "Release Candidate" ?

First of all, I would like to congratulate everybody who is developing this project.

I know that this project is active that's why I'm wondering why it has been 1 year that we didn't get a release on GitHub.
The latest release is a "Release Candidate" and I was expecting that another release will come in the near future but until now, I didn't happened.

The blog has updates about GSoCs but nothing about a forthcoming release.

I hope that this message will not be seen as hostile but more as an encouragement to keep the public updated ! :-)

All the best
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Re: Why is it 1 year that the latest release is a "Release Candidate" ?

It looks like I'm not the only one waiting a release.
"Vote for a new release." https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD/issues/1083