Hi claus82,
for line width, can you try the main menu: View -> Toolbars -> Pen Selection?
We rewrote many hash methods in 2.0 series. A complete rewriting was planned, but we do not have the time to do it yet.
If you find a way to trigger a crash, please test whether the crash is still there on the newest git version (
https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD.git ). If the crash can be reproduced, please add a bug report to our bug tracker at sourceforge:
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=browse&group_id=342582&atid=1433844 . Please state steps to reproduce and attach a testcase dxf if possible. Patches are always welcome, if you can help the coding part as well.
BTW, it's nice to see you are using architecture ticks in the screenshot.
claus82 wrote
Hi, I had to try the alpha version cause it has features that 4 me are necessary!
But I cannot see the width of lines, is there a way???
Moreover: many times it crashes :( especially when I modify-assign attributes to hatches (in particular wit the fill)
Any solution???
I post an image in order to tell that with good will this is a really good alternative to other "famous programs"!
