big letters/numbers

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big letters/numbers

I want to have just one letter or one number print out on a 8.5 inch x 11 inch piece of paper.

For example, the letter 'G'.
Inside this letter G, I want to put a line which is equidistant from sides of the letter.
Along this line, I want to put holes that are 1/4 inch in diamater equal distance apart.
I have handrawn (badly) what I want.

How would I go about doing something like this?

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Re: big letters/numbers

thinking about:

create text with certain font type;
explode the letter into entities;
create polyline from entities;
offset polyline;
fix the offset;
to get the outer contour.

To get equidistant part seems to be harder.

One way I can think of:

create a SplinePoints along the text, and snap middle points on it.

Thanks to the great work of Pavel, we have splinepoints support multiple middle/equidistant points.

atexit8 wrote
I want to have just one letter or one number print out on a 8.5 inch x 11 inch piece of paper.

For example, the letter 'G'.
Inside this letter G, I want to put a line which is equidistant from sides of the letter.
Along this line, I want to put holes that are 1/4 inch in diamater equal distance apart.
I have handrawn (badly) what I want.

How would I go about doing something like this?