The more I think about documentation the less I support this system of integrated help.
What I propose is a brief description of each tool, which can be displayed via the is basically a more advanced tooltip.
Translating these will be the same as translating anything else in LibreCAD.
I don't know if the translation system even works with the help framework.
It seems messy and complicated...
and I would much rather work with restructuredText or markdown, as opposed to html.
Beyond the whatsThis description... I think we need three things:
- users manual (people seem to like this)
- tool reference (tool name, commands, hotkeys, icon, description, procedure)
- FAQ (for stuff like printing...)
It's been mentioned that we are moving to DokuWiki for a few reasons, one being easier translation.
If thats true, then it seems like the most efficient use of community effort would be to focus on those three articles;
and people can download them as PDF files if they want offline documentation.
Therefore, I propose that we drop the long unused help -> manual.
This will drop one required Qt framework, and possibly the SQL dependency... and we lose nothing.