[infoCursorOverlayPrefs] Crash moving mouse in plugin gear or PreviewActionInterface

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[infoCursorOverlayPrefs] Crash moving mouse in plugin gear or PreviewActionInterface

When developing actions, I had a lot of crashes when the user entered points using the mouse.

You can recreate the whole thing in the gear plugin.

After completing this action:

If I quickly move the mouse diagonally after clicking with the mouse in the drawing field, the whole LC crashes at this point:

I catch it like this, and it often occurs when developing.
            if (infoCursorOverlayPrefs && infoCursorOverlayPrefs->enabled){
                if (!isShowEntityDescriptionOnHighlight()) {
                qCritical() << "[RS_ActionDefault::mouseMoveEvent] ###FIXME infoCursorOverlayPrefs == NULL!!";

I have to provoke it in drawing mode. But it has often crashed at the point when moving the mouse at startup.

The actions are very fragile,
when I want to access points, they are often not there, or if you execute finish() and then query isFinished(), it sometimes crashes. Thank God I got my script GetRad and GetDist working the way I need them.

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Re: [infoCursorOverlayPrefs] Crash moving mouse in plugin gear or PreviewActionInterface

hm.. that's quite a weird behavior, as for me - I've never seen it before (at least under Windows).
However, I suppose that the check for non-null infoCursorOverlayPrefs was added a couple of builds ago...  
Do you use the latest sources?

Anyway, I've added more aggressive initialization of that fields, so please try later on as this change will be merged.

As for actions for plugins.. well, potentially it might be that something is broken there, need to check this.
Actually, most these actions are waiting to be reviewed.

P.S - actually, for such kind of issues/dev discussions, I think it's better to rely on GitHub issues tracker (https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD/issues) rather than this forum that is rather a user-oriented.
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Re: [infoCursorOverlayPrefs] Crash moving mouse in plugin gear or PreviewActionInterface

ok, thanks.

"Do you use the latest sources?"
>>> link is master