I'm looking for help with moving a node within a polyline entity.
This edit is (partly) described in
How to change position of the vertex of polylin [sic], but the actual tool selected to move the node is not specified (it's not 'Move/Copy' as that moves the entire entity)
Here is
dxli's procedure:
1, draw a circle of by (point, radius) at new position .... the radius is not important here, using 1 or 5 doesn't matter;
2, select the line;
3, enable snap to center only, disable other snap options;
*** what tool needs to be active here? ***
4, click and hold on the point you want to move, which is shown with color now ... drag it to the new position by snap point ..., release mouse;
as far as I can see, without there being an active tool, step 4 does not work (for me, at least)
can anybody help?
best wishes - JS