The read part for the new dxf library is complete and you can use it when open a drawing selecting
"New Drawing Exange" (only in master branch, of course).
This part is dangerous because it can cause data loss, so many tests are needed before removing
the old dxflib.
Some considerations about libdxfrw (the new lib):
- Supports all that is supported by the old lib
- Can read TRACE & SOLID, loaded as rs_solid
- Can read 3DFACE converted as polyline
- Polylines with "poliface mesh" flags are not handled (at the moment, can convert to polyline 2D)
- Can read hatch loops defined with polyline, line & arc, pending edges defined with splines & ellipses (not working in LibreCad)
- When read a entity that have "extrusion" the coordinates are converted from OCS to WCS.
- Can read binary dxf
The write part is working but incomplete, do NOT use, you can test but only save layer, point, line,
circle, arc, ellipse, solid & polylines. If the drawing have blocks, inserts, text, dims, hatches or
images these entities are lost.
If you found a bug, please write a bug report in sourceforge adding the world "libdxfrw" in summary.
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=342582&atid=1433844Cheers & Merry Christmas to the people who do celebrate.