Re: E on Compile: QTHelp not found

Posted by dxli on


Thanks for your reply!

Myself was a long time qcad user, and I use qcad/librecad not only for CAD, but also for geometry in general.

Right now, we are implementing exciting new features for librecad, like supporting of other CAD file formats(work in progress), intersection of ellipse (ready for testing in git master) and spline(planning), integrating more native qt4 support(we have to live with qt, porting to gtk needs lots of manpower, and doesn't really generate perceivable improvement).

Again, we really need more users to test it on daily use base, or even better, we need developers for coding and writing/translating documents. Also, I'm currently the maintainer for librecad/brlcad on gentoo, let me know if we can improve the gentoo ebuilds in any way.




On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 2:24 PM, ManDay [via LibreCAD] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello, so I eventually installed LibreCad successfully and I must say it was worth the QT (Normally, I wouldn't let any QT application onto my computer but I made an exception for LibreCAD). The concepts (how you don't rely on explicit constraints but rather specific entity types) takes a little getting used to but it runs very stable and works perfectly as expected as far as I can see. Great work, keep it up! Cheers!

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