Re: COGO Functions

Posted by dxli on

Joe has setup his project at:

If you would like to do a little c++ coding. Something like the asciifile plugin( plugins/asciifile/ , within LibreCAD source folder) could be used to load CSV files to LibreCAD.

ASCII file plugin
MNH wrote
Thanks for the reply! I tried to contact Joe using contact information from one of his posts, but couldn't. I'm brand new to LibreCAD and this forum. My primary concern right now is using LibreCAD to help me keep track of the points I locate in topographic surveys. The survey I'm doing right now is in an area with very thick vegetation and some large dirt piles. There's also a small stream running through it. I need to be able to download a CSV file from my data collector into LibreCAD. It would also be helpful to create grid lines at a specific interval to guide me through the survey. Right now I'm working on a fifty foot grid.