Re: COGO Functions

Posted by GregM on

Hi Mark,

I'm Greg and I'd be pretty well interested in giving it a shot.

I am also currently working as a field surveyor in New Zealand on a large highway project:

It's fun because we are using a lot of machine control, setting out bridges and roadway, and doing a heck of a lot of topo as well. While we utilize a lot of software packages to handle all the data generated I've always been intersted in getting into the programming side of things.

I've taken a course in C++ and have taught myself little pieces here and there over about a year and a half. Tried a few other languages as well but really am just interested in programming, mathematics, and survey in general.

Anyhow, I'll try and get in touch as suggested on the forum here, but it's Christmas and I've only just come across LibreCAD last night.

Looking forward to perhaps get a chance to speak with you and even better still help write some bits of code.
