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Re: Given radius circle tangent to two crossing lines

Posted by Christian on Mar 31, 2020; 10:01am
URL: https://forum.librecad.org/Given-radius-circle-tangent-to-two-crossing-lines-tp5718627p5718639.html

All you say is right.
In fact I wrote a topic in "LibreCAD-dev" the other day about trim on a fillet to which you replied that we have to make do with it. I just did the exercise again and could only trim one line.
About the construction layer, you are right again, only the suppression of the fillet is made easier, especially for beginners. By the way, I discovered by chance (in French we would say "par hasard") the two selections possible:
     - wiping from left to right only selects what is totally located inside the window,
     - wiping from right to left selects everything in contact with the window.
Once known it is very handy.

