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Re: Given radius circle tangent to two crossing lines

Posted by Christian on Apr 01, 2020; 3:51pm
URL: https://forum.librecad.org/Given-radius-circle-tangent-to-two-crossing-lines-tp5718627p5718654.html

T's me again,
I realise that if you and I had read the manual, we would have known. It is there:

https://librecad.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ref/fundamentals.html, under "Selecting Entities" where one can read: "Left to right while moving down or up to select entities enclosed within the selection window’s boundary (blue selection box).
        Right to left while moving down or up to select entities enclosed within the window’s boundary and crossed by the selection boundary (green selection box)"

This said, I still think it would be wise to include this information as a note in the tools functions description.

