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Re: Imported image not showing up

Posted by LANDguy1 on Mar 17, 2021; 1:46am
URL: https://forum.librecad.org/Imported-image-not-showing-up-tp5720354p5720392.html

I did consider a reinstall which I will try next.  It originated from another CAD program.

On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 7:12 PM dellus [via LibreCAD] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Again, does the image show in Print Preview, and is it being printed? This would indicate it indeed has something to do with Draft mode stuck.
Does it happen only with this particular file or is it always the case? Maybe LibreCAD is corrupted and a reinstall helps.
Is the drawing file coming from an other source than LibreCAD?
You could provide the file here for testing, you may clean out the contents, and the image.

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