Re: Stock Yard Panel Layout

Posted by dellus on

'1. When the background image is turned on it is displayed and selected so clicking the window hides the other layers. Can the layers be worked on with the image visible in the background? '

This is an ever since issue, hampering effective use of an image as drawing background.
If you click on a line always the image is selected, if the image layer is locked, nothing can be selected.
Two workarounds which sometimes help, depending on the kind of operation:
-Select the drawing entity by pulling up a window around it.
-Switch off the image layer for selecting an entity, switch it on again during the operation and specify, for example, reference and target point.

@dxli: if you decide to work on this you might at that occasion also have a look at

Edit: OK, I may have misinterpreted flywire's query, Dxli's answer is correct if it's just about the image hiding the drawing. Still, the issue I am talking of remains.