Re: Stock Yard Panel Layout

Posted by flywire on

dxli wrote
1, to keep the image visible at background: create a new layer; insert an image to the layer; Menu: Tools > Order > Move to Bottom;
Seems exactly as described in my post (the image with layers shows it is a separate layer). The issue is regardless of setting the order to the bottom, in use entities are drawn over the image but the order is clearly at the top (ie other objects can't be selected over the image area while it is visible if they don't extend past the image) and seems to be consistent with @dellus comments (ie can't change the entities and view the image under it at the same time). Feel free to check the attached file. Did I miss something in the @dellus edit?

I take it that there are no magic bullet solutions to those queries. I'd particularly like a workaround for point 3 (rotate snap) which I haven't resolved.