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Found 52 matching posts for theme in LibreCAD Showing posts 1 to 12.
... light window themes. A few days ago i read about the Art Libre icon theme in the works by Barbara Muraus ( The style has some similarities to the icons i did (among others she also restricts herself to only two shades of...
in Suggestions & Feedback by to-b — 13 replies in thread
I am using KDE and a dark theme. Is there any way to get LibreCAD to work in this environment? My icons are illegible. Version: 2.1.3 Compiler: GNU GCC 9.3.0 Compiled on: Mar 23 2020 Qt Version: 5.12.8 Boost Version: 1.71.0 System: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS Thanks, Chester Cressman
in LibreCAD-user by Hickory — 1 replies in thread
Hi, Is there a repository of dark theme stylesheets? I saw some users mention a breeze-dark theme, which looked quite nice, but I couldn't find it myself.
in LibreCAD-user by Hologram — 1 replies in thread
Hi, Is there a repository of dark theme stylesheets? I saw some users mention a breeze-dark theme, which looked quite nice, but I couldn't find it myself. Hello. The breeze-dark theme can be selected if you run qt5-settings (external to librecad). I tried it but didn't notice difference in Librecad. I might be doing something wrong though! Did you ever solve the problem? John
in LibreCAD-user by JohnCC330 — 1 replies in thread
... the dark standard gnome3 theme (Adwaita dark) because i think it makes sense to have a CAD application use the dark theme. In order to see the full Image you have to right click the image and choose "view Image".
in Suggestions & Feedback by to-b — 13 replies in thread
Ries I suppose for me its a personal thing - but of course your right, we need to look at this in a broader sense and - yes if somehow the icons and working method could be simplified but still keeping the 'LibreCAD' theme, this would be the answer here.
in Suggestions & Feedback by sp1der — 13 replies in thread
About the actual topic of this thread. Maybe it is was best if i just suggested some improvements for some of the icons of the current theme created by pablo ramirez alem. Icons that fit with the coming (Art Libre) Icons of GIMP and Inkscape and the Symbolic Icons in general (https...
in Suggestions & Feedback by to-b — 13 replies in thread
So what about the theme of to-b? I like the simplicity of the icons. Unfortunately I could not find a full pack of the Art Libre Icons. Other inspirations for very good icons you can find in the noun project ( I am quite familiar with inkscape, so making scalabel SVG icons shouldn't be a problem. First we should have an overview of all the icons wee need.
in Suggestions & Feedback by JCW — 13 replies in thread
For LibreCAD 3 we will definitely look into having the UI better de-coupled from the working code, possibly using QML, I think for LibreCAD 2.0.x this is going to be very hard, or just a lot of work. The LibreCAD theme (colors, icon look/feel) will stay for sure and a lot of way's of working will...
in Suggestions & Feedback by R. van Twisk — 13 replies in thread
We definitely need help here. We have been talking about icon themes for long, but no manpower available to get it done. I remember we would like to have svg icons, instead of rasterized ones. Thanks, dxli In my opinion a good looking GUI is very fundamental for a programm like this...
in Suggestions & Feedback by dxli — 13 replies in thread
... libreCAD to stay slightly more 'individual' and unique! > > What do others think > > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below: > > To start a new topic under LibreCAD, email ml-node+s1049103n4499512h92@... > To unsubscribe from LibreCAD, click here. > NAML
in Suggestions & Feedback by R. van Twisk — 13 replies in thread
to-b These are all very interesting ideas you have here - for me personally I prefer your original line of thought here: Personally I think it would be better for libreCAD to stay slightly more 'individual' and unique! What do others think?
in Suggestions & Feedback by sp1der — 13 replies in thread
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