Hello All. I am new and not sure if libre cad will do what im looking for. I have tried freecad and it does not work either.
I have created an stl file in my 3d modler, since that is the ONLY file it will let me export as for the free sketchup edition.
I now want to make some working drawings of the stl. I was hoping to find a program that will import the stl, and let me create basic views from the file and basic dims. I tried freecad with the tech draw, but it does not work with meshes and trying to convert the mesh to a shape was damn near impossible.
can librecad import an stl and create 2d working drawings?
This is often a technique (well not using OpenSCAD) in 3D packages to create 2D drawings,
you would still need to add your measurements yourself and it won't be parametric.