El dj 27 de 12 de 2012 a les 03:36 -0800, en/na sewing [via LibreCAD] va
> Hello everyone,
> How can I define particular distances between particular points on the edge
> of a 2-dimensional object? I mean, if I have a particular 2-dimensional
> object with points at particular places along the edge-line, how can I input
> a distance between two selected points so that LibreCAD will recalculate the
> whole object and keep the general pattern of it but adapted to these
> changes?
> Thanks in advance!
I am not sure about what you mean, if scale, then first measure the
distance between the points, you already know the final distance you
desire, then select all the objects you want to scale, then in the
factor field put something like finaldist/originaldist and LC will
compute the factor for you and scale the selected objects.
If you are using a newer version of LC, then you have to put this on the
X field and keep the "isotropic" checked
Hope this helps