Add hatching by clicking inside of an enclosed area.

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Add hatching by clicking inside of an enclosed area.

For 2.2.2, we should improve hatching.

Thinking about a really useful method:

1, click an area to hatch, with new edges created auto:
For example, there are 4 infinite lines surrounding (0, 0), forming a quadrilateral around (0, 0). The algorithm should be able to hatch the quadrilateral;
2, user can edit a hatch by adding or removing loops to it, but loops shouldn't interact with each other.

The development is definitely heavy here, but should be intuitive to the end users.

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Re: Add hatching by clicking inside of an enclosed area.

This would be a fantastic new feature. Advanced commercial cad packages do offer this.

Another substantial improvement would be the possibility to define an offset for the hatch pattern. Then you could place the pattern correctly within a given shape, for example bricks in a facade or tiles in a bathroom wall or floor.
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Re: Add hatching by clicking inside of an enclosed area.

We have the topology tools to get hatching by area(the area calculation is based on the toolset).

We don't have a robust offset support from the engine side.

dellus wrote
This would be a fantastic new feature. Advanced commercial cad packages do offer this.

Another substantial improvement would be the possibility to define an offset for the hatch pattern. Then you could place the pattern correctly within a given shape, for example bricks in a facade or tiles in a bathroom wall or floor.