Appimage for librecad 3

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Appimage for librecad 3

I'm interested in trying Librecad 3. I know it's the wild west and many things can go wrong. However I'm attracted to the scripting capability.
I see the source on github. But compiling it seems way long and way beyond my ability.
So I found that says I can just run from an appimage. However I can't find an appimage to download. Help?

I'm on linux but would prefer to do this on windows -- however I assume a windows .exe is very very far off?

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Re: Appimage for librecad 3

This post was updated on .
Releases and continuous builds

For windows: installers for both 32 and 64
There's also an installer for macOS
AppImages are runnable image files for linux
dnh234589 wrote
I'm interested in trying Librecad 3. I know it's the wild west and many things can go wrong. However I'm attracted to the scripting capability.
I see the source on github. But compiling it seems way long and way beyond my ability.
So I found that says I can just run from an appimage. However I can't find an appimage to download. Help?

I'm on linux but would prefer to do this on windows -- however I assume a windows .exe is very very far off?

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Re: Appimage for librecad 3

I only see version 2.x.x there. Is there a version 3 app image that I'm just not seeing?
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Re: Appimage for librecad 3


Sorry, I missed the v3 part.

No, for v3, you still have to build from source.

dnh234589 wrote
I only see version 2.x.x there. Is there a version 3 app image that I'm just not seeing?
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Re: Appimage for librecad 3

In reply to this post by dnh234589
There has been a V3 appimage provided here, but it is expired:
I do have a copy but i do not know whether I can send it as E-mail that size.
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Re: Appimage for librecad 3

CRiSTiK24 is the student, who has implemented CI in his GSoC project last year.
Sadly his efforts were not merged into the main repo yet, as there may be still some minor issues.
So the latest Windows installer is this:
And latest AppImage is here:

This is all we can provide yet.

investing less than half an hour into Search function can save hours or days of waiting for a solution
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Re: Appimage for librecad 3

let me have a look at this. We may want to get CI up for v3 as well.

LordOfBikes wrote
CRiSTiK24 is the student, who has implemented CI in his GSoC project last year.
Sadly his efforts were not merged into the main repo yet, as there may be still some minor issues.
So the latest Windows installer is this:
And latest AppImage is here:

This is all we can provide yet.

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Re: Appimage for librecad 3

Thanks Armin and dxli.

Darn, unfortunately the windows installer doesn't work. (It installs but says "The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140D.dll and VCRUNTIME140D.dll and VCRUNTIME140_1D.dll and ucrtbased.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem"; restarting doesn't fix the problem.)

I will try the linux version eventually, I just need a few days.
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Re: Appimage for librecad 3

I was wrong.

The "windows debug version" here doesn't work as I said.

Both the windows version and the linux appimage here works great, thanks!

Notice the former is 0.0.11 and the latter is 0.0.10

Thanks everyone
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Re: Appimage for librecad 3

In reply to this post by dnh234589
dnh234589 wrote
I'm interested in trying Librecad 3... I'm attracted to the scripting capability.
It would be nice if you could keep the community updated on how it is going.
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Re: Appimage for librecad 3

In terms of how it's going, well it's functional aside from known bugs that I've read about (green screen on startup, etc) but I think I'll keep using v2.x.x for my main work for now. I have many suggestions or feature requests but I'm afraid of offering too many too early. In other words I recognize this is super fresh and young, and I'm blessed to be able to have it for free.. so suggesting large features is a little like looking a gift horse in the mouth. With that said, if the following is helpful then here are two high level comments:

. GUI. The buttons are huge and.the gaps between panels are huge and the space around the properties table is huge and everything is huge. So even with my best efforts to move things around and make it all as compact and out of the way as possible, and even stacking panels on top of other panels by dragging them on top of each other to create tabs, I still have a very very small space to actually draw in. It's frustrating to have only 1/2 to 2/3 of the screen area as the drawing area. Basically everything in the GUI needs to be way smaller, tighter, and more space-efficient so the drawing area can be huge instead.

. The new scripting functionality is awesome and it's what I came for but (a) I know others have suggested python, but it really would make it more appealing to more people I think. Still, if I've gotta learn lua I'll learn lua. I'll just grumble as I do it. (b) I see the way it operates is basically to give a list of operations that sort of stack on top of each other. Using appendEntity and appendOperation. Maybe I'm missing something but it feels so awkward and super clunky to do it that way. Take the first example here:
In that example "This create 128 entities, because the Copy operation copy all the lines on each loop." Wow. I could imagine how to write it to NOT  copy all the lines on each loop but it'd be much longer and quite repetitive. Why is it being done this way with all the operations appended on previous operations? Could it not be more like the following pseudo code? This is more what I was expecting.

line = lineBuilder(start=(0,0),end=(10,100),layer=0).insert()
for j in range(7):

That paradigm for coding is super short and understandable to the reader. No need to stack operations. Though I understand maybe under the hood that is what is happening...
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Re: Appimage for librecad 3

There was an error in my pseudo code. Trying again:

line = lineBuilder(start=(0,0),end=(10,100),layer=0).insert()
for j in range(7):