Just installed the program. Started simple drawing for a front panel. Step 1 draw a horizontal line... askes me where to start line, all good, but never asks about end and so never draws a line... not a good start to a learning curve, managed to do it OK using 2 points. Ok, so now to draw a circle of a set diameter, asks me for a centre and then nothing, doesn't ask for radius or diameter, so no circle. Tried using the centre and point, which is a huge pain, and it works.. So here is a drawing package where you can't draw a line or a circle (something engineers do a lot), seems a bit of a waste taking anymore time learning how to use this till there is a working version. If I am doing something wrong, then I have followed all the info given in the "help' pages, attempted to follow what is said and it doesn't work as written. So I could well be making a mistake or overlooking something, but I would suggest I am no different to the majority of first time users.. if one user has a problem the user has a problem, if a lot of users have a problem then the software, the support or user manual has a problem.