Can't print a test drawing

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Can't print a test drawing

I'm new to LibreCad, but not new to CAD in general (from IBM CADAM (yes - about 35 years ago) to AutoCAD14).  In going through a usage learning phase, I created a simple drawing consisting of some lines and circles, in layer 1.  I saved it, can view it in print preview, but it won't print.  When I select print and specify my printer (which LibreCad recognized automatically from my printer list), it displayed 'no preview available', which I think may be a symptom of why it won't print.  I tried setting the General Scale in Drawing Preferences/Dimensions to 48, which would capture the drawn geometry, but that didn't help.

The answer should be simple and basic enough, but darned if I can figure it out.  And I did a LOT of internet searching.  I found an article about a DLL file issue, didn't try it, one reason being I don't like fooling with DLLs, as that, I think is unsafe territory, i.e., unintended consequences.  Another was apprehension as to which folder to use, 32 or 64.  My laptop is 64 bit, windows 11.  But that is beside the point, I think.  The problem I'm having should have a very simple answer.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Can't print a test drawing

Can you print to PDF?

Or even run LibreCAD as a dxf to PDF tools from command line,

Librecad.exe dxf2pdf foo.dxf

Lan wrote
I'm new to LibreCad, but not new to CAD in general (from IBM CADAM (yes - about 35 years ago) to AutoCAD14).  In going through a usage learning phase, I created a simple drawing consisting of some lines and circles, in layer 1.  I saved it, can view it in print preview, but it won't print.  When I select print and specify my printer (which LibreCad recognized automatically from my printer list), it displayed 'no preview available', which I think may be a symptom of why it won't print.  I tried setting the General Scale in Drawing Preferences/Dimensions to 48, which would capture the drawn geometry, but that didn't help.

The answer should be simple and basic enough, but darned if I can figure it out.  And I did a LOT of internet searching.  I found an article about a DLL file issue, didn't try it, one reason being I don't like fooling with DLLs, as that, I think is unsafe territory, i.e., unintended consequences.  Another was apprehension as to which folder to use, 32 or 64.  My laptop is 64 bit, windows 11.  But that is beside the point, I think.  The problem I'm having should have a very simple answer.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Can't print a test drawing

Wow.  Didn't expect such a fast response.  Actually, between my post and your reply, I WAS able to print.  My first hurdle.  Am now testing and learning how other commands work, including hatch, copy, and extend.  Slow but sure steps.  Not worried about 'slow', very content with 'sure.'

By the way, for the administrators, a politely offered observation in 'hatch':  two of the fill options are 'pantagon_a' and 'pantagon_b'.  The shapes are actually stars (the headquarters building of the U. S.Dept. of Defense is referred to as 'The Pentagon' because of it's shape), but in any case, the correct spelling in pEntagon.

Anyway, thanks for your reply.
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Re: Can't print a test drawing

Probably, we messed up with the pattern file names for hatching.

Should be an easy fix.
Lan wrote
Wow.  Didn't expect such a fast response.  Actually, between my post and your reply, I WAS able to print.  My first hurdle.  Am now testing and learning how other commands work, including hatch, copy, and extend.  Slow but sure steps.  Not worried about 'slow', very content with 'sure.'

By the way, for the administrators, a politely offered observation in 'hatch':  two of the fill options are 'pantagon_a' and 'pantagon_b'.  The shapes are actually stars (the headquarters building of the U. S.Dept. of Defense is referred to as 'The Pentagon' because of it's shape), but in any case, the correct spelling in pEntagon.

Anyway, thanks for your reply.
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Re: Can't print a test drawing

Hi Lan, I have the same problem, can you tell me how you fixed the issue?