rotor.dxfHi Craig,
I uploaded a dxf file according to my understanding of the drawing you asked.
steps to draw it (with 2.0 series):
0, start LC with an empty drawing;
1, Main menu: Edit->Current Drawing Preferences->Units : set "Main drawing unit" to "inch";
2, Main menu: Draw->Circles->Center,Radius (or use main cad tool bar);
3, Set the radius value to 4 in the input area shown by step 2, within the toolbar area;
4, Spacebar or click to activate command line, type in coordinates for the center: 0,0
Press Enter to accept the command and draw the circle
5, Set the radius value to 1 similar to step 3;
6, in command line, type in coordinates for center: 4,0
to draw the circle;
7, Set the radius value to 0.375;
8, in command line, type in coordinates for the center: @1,0
to draw the circle
9, Main menu: Modify->rotate , to start rotation
10, when prompted, select the circle drawn in step 8, with radius 0.375 , and click the right pointing arrow to accept the selection;
11, when prompted for rotation center, type in command line: 4,0
12, when prompted for reference point, type in command line: 5,0
13, when prompted for target point, type in command line: 4,1
please note 4,1 is not according to 120 degree here, and we basically entered a random number here, because we are going to specify the 120 degree in the next step;
14, when the rotation options window shows up after step 13, modify the Angle(a) to 120 , and check the radio box "Multiple copies", type in 2 within the input area of the multiple copies; click ok to rotate.
15, repeat from step 9 through step 14 to rotate the r=1 circle and the the three r=0.375 circles together with 8 copies, Angle(a)=40, around center 0,0