Creating a Polyline from Existing Segments ?

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Creating a Polyline from Existing Segments ?

Does anyone knows what "draw / Creating a Polyline from Existing Segments" is doing?
I selected arcs, polylines, lines -- but nothing happens.
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Re: Creating a Polyline from Existing Segments ?

You need two or more entities (lines/arcs) which fits exactly on their endpoints. If there is a little gap between the entities, maybe only visible in a very high zoom level, the tool doesn't work.
Use snap endpoints when drawing the entities or use trim both to connect them. Then click on one of the entities when the tool is activated and all connected entities are combined in a single polyline entity.

When you select the entity after deactivating the tool, all former entities should be selected as part of the polyline.

With the Modify->Explode tool you can revert this and split the polyline into its former single entities.

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Re: Creating a Polyline from Existing Segments ?

Thanks! (a little bit confusing; "explode" in "Modify", "Creating..." in "draw").
I'll correct manual soon.
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Re: Creating a Polyline from Existing Segments ?

"Creating..." is for polyline only, the result is a new polyline, therefor it is in the Draw->Polyline menu
"Explode" is for blocks too, you can explode existing polylines and blocks into multiple entities, so it is in the Modify menu.
I think this is similar in other CAD software.

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Re: Creating a Polyline from Existing Segments ?

"creating.." for polylines AND arcs.
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Re: Creating a Polyline from Existing Segments ?

Polyline is the name for the single entity, which is a succession of lines and arcs.
In detail, the polyline is a collection of vertices, which are connected straight (lines) or with a bulge (arcs).

A polyline with two vertices, connected straight, is equal in appearance to a line entity. But internally and in DXF representation they are different entities. The same is true for a polyline from two vertices connected with a buge and an arc.

For constructing I usually use lines and arcs, as there are more and better drawing options. But for machining it is better to have polylines as they are continuous contours without gaps by definition.
So after drawing and trimming the lines and arcs I create a polyline of them which could be easily processed by a CAM processor.

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Re: Creating a Polyline from Existing Segments ?

Hi Armin:

I want to draw a polyline using lines, but I get circles. Where can I set it back to polyine?


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Re: Creating a Polyline from Existing Segments ?

Hi Sandra,

when the Polyline tool is active, look at the Tool Options toolbar, which is usually above the drawing area, beside the line style boxes. There is a drop down selection box where you have to choose Line for straight segments.


In case Tool Option tollbar is deactivated accidentally, you can activate it in Widgets -> Toolbars menu.

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