Divide Not Working

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Divide Not Working

Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not, but Divide has absolutely no function or response for me. I'm trying to modify a DXF file so it will cut an outline. I've got tons of line segments that need to be deleted. It's impossible to select just a portion of a line & I can't get Divide, or Break/Divide to do anything. Is there a glitch, or am I doing something wrong?
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Re: Divide Not Working

Frome the FAQ:

"The DXF import process failed, why?

LibreCAD does not support all features of Autodesk DXF format. Currently, only the following DXF formats are supported: R12, R14, 2000, 2004 and 2007."

So if you have DFX from newer, it does not work.
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Re: Divide Not Working

I tried converting the file to all of those formats & the program opens them, but displays nothing. It show me 3 layers with nothing on any of them. Every other program I have that can read a dxf file reads them just fine. Obviously this program has deficiencies that are not going to allow me to do what I need. I think it's going to be faster to edit in raster then convert.
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Re: Divide Not Working


There is free dxf-converts on the web, for example https://cad.online-convert.com/convert-to-dxf

But again, as said in the quote, ACAD has plenty more of functions than LibreCAD, so it can fail even it is in some of those supported formats.

LibreCAD is open source, and devs do that in their free time. As almost every open source project lack, is  people who are ready to contribute.
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Re: Divide Not Working

In reply to this post by Bilgerat984
could you please provide more information?

1) Which version of LC do you use?
2) Could you share example file and point on which entity divide does not work?

BTW - what about the layer of the entity, could it be that the layer is frozen? If layer is frozen, the entity can't be snaped or selected (and so the divide will not be applied to).

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Re: Divide Not Working

I already have a converter. I use Any DWG DXF Converter. It can convert between almost all versions. As I said, I tried converting to all of the versions you mentioned. None of them seemed to be readable with LibreCAD. When opened, they all showed me the same thing, 3 layers with nothing on them. The original file only has 1 layer. All other programs opened them & showed me one layer with the outline image I'm working with.

I gave up & did my editing with WinTopo in raster, then saved it as a DXF file. WinTopo is a great program for converting raster files to vector files.
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Re: Divide Not Working

In reply to this post by sand1024
I'm using v2.2.1.1 which was compiled 2/18/25.

There is only one layer & I made sure it was unlocked in LC. Here's the DXF file I tried to edit.


I gave up & edited in raster with WinTopo. Here's the original picture I started with:

Here's the cur outline for the laser I finally created:

Since the laser can cut as well as engrave, I wanted to add a cut layer so the laser would do it all in one session.
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Re: Divide Not Working

Oh, as far as I can see, most of entities in the drawing is polyline.

For polylines, divide (and break/divide) does not work. Divide is applicable only to "atomic" entities (like line, arc etc).

For polylines - there are several commands that allows manipulation of nodes of polylines (adding/removing vertexes, etc). In 2.2.2 alpha branch these command are expanded comparing to 2.2.1.

So you may either rely on them, or, if you really need to perform divide, do the following:

1) Select polyline(s)
2) Invoke "Explode" command - polyline will be converted to the set of individual lines
3) Invoke Divide command where necessary.

Later on, you may convert that set of lines back to the polyline too (via "Polyline from Existing Segments" command.