I've already put some effort in searching and testing and we agreed to move our wiki from MediaWiki to DokuWiki. Administration seems easier and it looks promising that exporting the manual sites to PDF format and HTML for in app help should work well. Another point is localisation, there are signs, that users want to contribute in translating wiki pages, what is very simple in DokuWiki.
Content and users could be transferred with a helper tool. Maybe that some pages need a format polishing after content transfer, but my tests showed that most sites looks good.
- Armin (LordofBikes)
It looks like this transfer will break tables; and DokuWiki tables appear much more limited than MediaWiki tables.
There is a
plugin that could make things easier by implementing extended table syntax.
EditTable Plugin could also be useful. :D
One thing that I like about using
Markdown on stackexchange is that I can write a link like [this][1]
and then put at the bottom of the page [1]:[
so I request that
markdowku be installed if possible. ^_^