Would it help if I create a screencast on how to build the installer files for you and rallaz?
We do have them available in scripts directory for both OSX and Windows.
These scripts are capable of building the installer packages for both operating systems.
For OSX you need to have x-code installer to use the package builder.
For windows you need nsis to build the installer files.
On windows after build a release you just drag/drop the nsis-4.7.txt file into nsis and the build will run
adding the needed libraries. Ofcourse the nsis file is a bit specific to features/libraries added and the location
and version of the QTSDK, but it's pretty simple, just edit the text file.
For OSX it's pretty much the same, except that you need to run : run macdeployqt LibreCAD.app
so it will add the needed libraries to the final LibreCAD package. (see packagebuilding-howto )
The only tricky part of OSX is that the installer will find a LibreCAD installation
and update THAT, so if you compiled LibreCAD and COPIED into /Applications.
It 'MIGHT' want to re-install on your build. So you need to verify very well.
I also noticed that the tags on githib don't always show the correct version, so sometimes I had
to change this to the right version because I believe when people show the help,
it should show the correct tagged build rather then some github number.
On Apr 25, 2013, at 9:59 AM, "dxli [via LibreCAD]" <
[hidden email]> wrote:
I tagged 2.0.0beta5, need to build installer files