Export to Pdf margin issue

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Export to Pdf margin issue

This floorplan looks great when exported to pdf with the latest alpha1-96 Appimage on Ubuntu 24.04 but the border is missing when exported with 2.2.1 rc2-8 on Windows 11.

I can also send this to the printer from Ubuntu and the drawing looks good and the scale is perfect.

But print from Windows rc2 and you loose the border and the scale is off.

The current drawing margins are set to 0 on both versions. Are the margins for Export to pdf different on the Windows version? Can they be changed so the border shows up in the right place in the pdf and on the printer?


These are the versions I am using:

On Windows 11:
Version: 2.2.1_rc2-8-g0649fad1
Compiler: GNU GCC 12.2.0
Compiled on: May 31 2024
Qt Version: 5.15.2
Boost Version: 1.75.0
System: Windows 10 Version 2009

On Ubuntu 24.04 Appimage:
Version: 2.2.2_alpha1-96-ge7526bb8
Compiler: GNU GCC 9.4.0
Compiled on: Jun  8 2024
Qt Version: 6.6.3
Boost Version: 1.71.0
System: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
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Re: Export to Pdf margin issue

I suppose this is a Qt6 and windows problem.

I can print to pdf properly to tabloid using this dxf with the latest master in Linux.

However, I got the page size changed warning, and the page size setting in the print dialog is not tabloid.

Looks like we are setting QPrinter with proper page info, so the final pdf is correct in Linux, but the QPrintDialog is not updating its options according to our page info.

pclem wrote
This floorplan looks great when exported to pdf with the latest alpha1-96 Appimage on Ubuntu 24.04 but the border is missing when exported with 2.2.1 rc2-8 on Windows 11.

I can also send this to the printer from Ubuntu and the drawing looks good and the scale is perfect.

But print from Windows rc2 and you loose the border and the scale is off.

The current drawing margins are set to 0 on both versions. Are the margins for Export to pdf different on the Windows version? Can they be changed so the border shows up in the right place in the pdf and on the printer?


These are the versions I am using:

On Windows 11:
Version: 2.2.1_rc2-8-g0649fad1
Compiler: GNU GCC 12.2.0
Compiled on: May 31 2024
Qt Version: 5.15.2
Boost Version: 1.75.0
System: Windows 10 Version 2009

On Ubuntu 24.04 Appimage:
Version: 2.2.2_alpha1-96-ge7526bb8
Compiler: GNU GCC 9.4.0
Compiled on: Jun  8 2024
Qt Version: 6.6.3
Boost Version: 1.71.0
System: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS