1959 posts
Thank you Renold!
Currently, we actually have two active development fronts in parallel: the v2 and v3, and it's clearly that more help is needed badly.
v2 development focuses on an evolutionary approach to target stable releases and minor enhancements.
v3 development aims to develop a 2D CAD engine with c++11 code base but without Qt in the CAD kernel. Although the v3 is still at its early stage, DWG and dxfrw support were recently added by gaganjyot.
Some examples of interesting features to add to LibreCAD:
1, topological algorithms related to contours: hatching, calculation of area with a contour;
2, complete conical curves: hyperbola and parabola;
3, more script binding: python/lua. V3 has lua support already;
4, GUI and work flow enhancement.