Funcion ViewPort - The simple users neet to this...

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Funcion ViewPort - The simple users neet to this...

Friend, I tried to send a request but I couldn't find how to do it, so I send this message.

I went in and registered on the website... But I was unable to access and speak to anyone who could look into this issue...

You may have this knowledge to help us.
Look... We common users (who are almost forced to use AutoCad as we have a huge majority of work partners who only use Autocad...) really miss this function... What do we need to do to raise awareness to colleagues who program LibreCad, that we need this function to be able to create drawings at different scales and on the same board when opened in the viewport... In the Root, the drawing has the same size, but in the viewport we can scale the drawing in many ways and at different scales without having to draw the design several times and in different sizes...
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