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Hello from Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Hello from Bosnia and Herzegovina

2 posts
Hello, I am an engineer from Bosnia and Herzegovina. My company is looking for a free solution to transition from AutoCAD software. I found your program and it seems ideal to me. To integrate the program with you, we only need some form of user agreement. could we get that from librecad team? Greetings and congratulations for your work.
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Re: Hello from Bosnia and Herzegovina

R. van Twisk
489 posts
Good news, there is already such agreement!


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Re: Hello from Bosnia and Herzegovina

2 posts
Since the laws in our country are specific and the people who implement those laws are not very reasonable and understand the licenses of free programs, they ask us in addition to this literally "a contract on the use of the services of your program" where our and your company name are listed.

It is a formality, but they ask us for it in order to allow the implementation of the free program.
In that form, we only need to state your name and the name of our company.
Currently, we have my company and the company where my colleague works, which would transfer the software to you, but the administration is asking us for that document.
Is there any possibility for that?
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Re: Hello from Bosnia and Herzegovina

146 posts
In reply to this post by nenad_magla
Just search google GPL and GPLv2, these are the licenses almost all opensource projects use. It has been tested in many courts in many countries, and every time GNU has won.
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Re: Hello from Bosnia and Herzegovina

1117 posts
In reply to this post by nenad_magla
Sadly, there is no "your company". LibreCAD is build and maintained by enthusiasts all over the world. No company, no staff.
And I suppose, that non of them will give his name for a contract, based on laws he does not know or understand.

Maybe you can find a software developer or company in your country, who understand the laws and who can evaluate the risks or concerns or whatever is required for the contract.

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