High priority tasks for 2.2.2

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High priority tasks for 2.2.2

With 2.2.1 getting close to official(please report your blockers, if any), let's synchronize our ideas on 2.2.2.

Please keep adding your suggestions, as a user or developer.

1. Improvement of hatching (like hatching an enclosed area by clicking inside);
2, dimensions, finish arc length dimensions and add more;
3, initial viewport/view support;
4, stabilizing text text support. For example, currently arcs in fonts cannot be scaled in y-direction. Let's replace arcs with splinepoints (if possible);
5, hyperbola support, if we figure out a way to make qpainter do hyperbolic;
6, plugin and cmd improvement for power users.

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Re: High priority tasks for 2.2.2

* line issues: 1 and 2
* Relative Angle Snap point
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Re: High priority tasks for 2.2.2

The fix is already in 2.2.2-alpha.

The line is drawn with the specified length, not double, and from the selected point, instead of being centered on.
flywire wrote
* line issues: 1 and 2
* Relative Angle Snap point
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Re: High priority tasks for 2.2.2

dxli wrote
The fix is already in 2.2.2-alpha.
1. Decimal point display on Angle is fixed.

2. No, there is a communication issue about Relative Angle Snap point. A Snap point as implemented in Line Angle would be really useful for many of the other line types (eg Orthogonal, Relative angle). Read functionality description at bottom of above link 2 with image.

Version: 2.2.1_rc3-20-gd7446c30
Compiler: GNU GCC 12.2.0
Compiled on: Aug 31 2024
Qt Version: 5.15.2
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