How Can I Copy, Rotate and Move an Item

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How Can I Copy, Rotate and Move an Item

I am running LibreCAD 2.1.3 on Mac 10.14.2. I have a PDF that I've converted into a DXF file and I'd like to select a graphic (an object?), copy it, rotate it and move it to a different location on that same document.

I've watched a bunch of YouTube videos, but they are all in Linux with different views and buttons. I want to simply copy a graphic and be able to move it. I really don't want to change the size or proportions of it.

Can someone please point me in the right direction on how to do this? Or even a good set of directions.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Re: How Can I Copy, Rotate and Move an Item

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At "Tools" - "Modify" there is "Move/Copy" and "Rotate". You will have to play around a bit to see how it works in detail. You are always asked for the next step. There are some tutorials in the wiki which I can't spare you to study yourself. The user interface has changed a lot in newer versions, the commands may be at different places now, but work the same mostly.
Moving can also be done simply selecting it with mouseclick, drag with mouse and click again to release.