How to justify a MText inside of another entity (such as a rectangle) in LibreCAD?

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How to justify a MText inside of another entity (such as a rectangle) in LibreCAD?

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LibreCAD team good afternoon.

I have had a long multiline text in LibreCAD. When I am going to put it into drawing, this MText is going to be placed as a long text line. But I want to put this MText into an entity, like a rectangle for example, according to attached figure, in order to make a justified text. The only way that I have found to make it is putting manual breakings into this text line up to adjust whole text inside of entity. This one is a so hard-working task, because I have a lot of long texts that I have to adjust in many rectangle entities. Is there any way to make these breakings automatically, according to the entity length in LibreCAD? Furthermore, is there any way to justify a MText inside of an entity automatically in LibreCAD?

From now on, I thank you for your help.

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Re: How to justify a MText inside of another entity (such as a rectangle) in LibreCAD?

Unfortunately there is no such automatic way.

You have to do it manually. Best just write the text in one line first with upper left alignment and place it at about the upper left corner of your text box. Then with Tools - Modify - Properties break the line at the first point necessary. In the Mtext input box you can see where in the next line the break will have to be and so on.