Installing LibreCad in a Slackware distritution

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Installing LibreCad in a Slackware distritution

Hi Everyone. I tried installing the LibreCad in xubuntu 14 and had problems. I installed it in Slackware 14 and it installed ok after dl'ding and installing the Muparser lib.

Not sure what I did wrong but the program did not install in the system applications directory, so is not in the normal path. It installed in the User directory. Once I found the bin, it was simple to make a launcher and start using it.

However. I would like to install it in the normal system path for GUI programs in the slackware environment. I would also like to have it registered in the applications menu of the Xfce window manager I'm using.

Any help with any of these will save me a lot of researching time which I just don't have anymore (getting old).

Thank you in advance.
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Re: Installing LibreCad in a Slackware distritution

Hello moonstroller.
At the end of LibreCAD (LC) build process the script
"scripts/" is executed, this script installs LC in the user directory

You must modify some things:

1. in file "librecad/src/" remove or comment line #53
       QMAKE_POST_LINK = cd ../.. && scripts/
to separate build/install steps, then the build process change to:

~> cd "LC-souce-code"
~> qmake -makefile "CONFIG+=release"
~> make

2. modify the file "scripts/" to change/add installs paths,
the install process change to:

~> sudo scripts/

>> I would also like to have it registered in the applications menu of the Xfce window manager I'm using.

The required files for that are in "desktop" dir.

If you are familiar with RPM packages this link may be useful:
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Re: Installing LibreCad in a Slackware distritution

Thanks. I finally got it working by setting a link to a lib file. I forget which one.

Right now, I'm having problems with the input format for architechual units.

I've tried 2'-2 1/2", 0'-0" and all variations but the only thing that works is 2*12 + .5, 0

Any advice?
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Re: Installing LibreCad in a Slackware distritution

In reply to this post by Rallaz
Rallez, I'm sorry to bother you but I lost the program after the hard drive died. I put a new SSd in and it's zooming. :)

I forgot how I got the progam working.

I downloaded the source for version 1.0.2.
I did a qmake.. no problems. make... had to install MuParser.. no problem.

Tried make again.... compiled and installed ok.

But.... it's not a 64 bit program so it won't run on my slackwware 14.0 64 bit OS...

any ideas?
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Re: Installing LibreCad in a Slackware distritution

If you build the program in a 64 bits system with a compliler that support 64 bits and
link with a 64 bits version of muPArser and Qt, is a 64 bits program.

You have installed qt development files for 32 & 64 bits ?
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Re: Installing LibreCad in a Slackware distritution

Only for 64 bit there is a 64bit qt section:


will I need 32 bit includes for qt?

If so there is a multilib patch I can d'ld and install from alienbob.
