Hello moonstroller.
At the end of LibreCAD (LC) build process the script
"scripts/postprocess-unix.sh" is executed, this script installs LC in the user directory
You must modify some things:
1. in file "librecad/src/src.pro" remove or comment line #53
QMAKE_POST_LINK = cd ../.. && scripts/postprocess-unix.sh
to separate build/install steps, then the build process change to:
~> cd "LC-souce-code"
~> qmake -makefile librecad.pro "CONFIG+=release"
~> make
2. modify the file "scripts/postprocess-unix.sh" to change/add installs paths,
the install process change to:
~> sudo scripts/postprocess-unix.sh
>> I would also like to have it registered in the applications menu of the Xfce window manager I'm using.
The required files for that are in "desktop" dir.
If you are familiar with RPM packages this link may be useful: