The line types are defined in mm. It means that those types should be used to draw entities printed/shown larger than the mm scale.
I added "Tiny" line types, as a workaround: this commit doesn't help, we will revert it.
Romain le Malin wrote
Hi everybody,
I've been using LibreCAD for a month (2.04 then 2.06 version) but a problem appeared yesterday : the scale of the lines (except "continous type line", of course) is too big. For exemple, if I draw a circle with a dash line, the circle is made with only 3 or 4 long dashes. Even if I choose small dash line, the circle is made with 4 or 5 long dashes. This problem appears upon normal view as well as printing preview or printing.
I tried to make a new file, to uninstall/reinstall LibreCAD but nothing changed.
Thank you for your help.
Romain le Malin