New User

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New User

I am new to LibreCAD and I LOVE IT!  I can’t believe I did not find LibreCAD a long time ago.  It reminds me of AutoCAD, that I used many years ago, but without the exorbitant price.

I plan to use LibreCAD for architectural drawings (USA feet/inches) for my new home project.

Thank you very much for this fantastic program!
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Re: New User

Glad to know that.

We are in the process of stabilization for a 2.2.1 stable release.

Please help us with testing and report any issues here or at GitHub.

I still need to fix some continuous building issues to get the 2.2.1_rc1 build though.


CalZon65 wrote
I am new to LibreCAD and I LOVE IT!  I can’t believe I did not find LibreCAD a long time ago.  It reminds me of AutoCAD, that I used many years ago, but without the exorbitant price.

I plan to use LibreCAD for architectural drawings (USA feet/inches) for my new home project.

Thank you very much for this fantastic program!