New guy building a kinetic racer

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New guy building a kinetic racer

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Hi everyone, my name is Patric, I live in Northern California (Nope, not the Bay Area, go higher up), and I race in kinetic races. We have a big race locally and I would like to travel to other races. Here is a link to the big race.

My team lives in different parts of the US and Canada so we have a big communication issue. The machine, aka sculpture, is in my garage so when I need some technical advice it's difficult for the other team members to give advice. Sure, I can send pictures, but without measurements and being able to "play" with the diagram, it can be difficult providing any type of advice. So, I thought I should draw the damn thing. The original owner didn't have diagrams anymore so I thought I would attempt to learn to draw it myself so here I am.

I hope to talk to you all soon.
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Re: New guy building a kinetic racer

Welcome Patric!

That looks like a lot of fun, but a lot of work too

You can start with some tutorials from our Wiki or find some basics in the online manual.
Both are linked on the forum start page and our website too.
There are also a bunch of videos on YouTube, but nothing official. You probably have to adjust some steps, because the LibreCAD version in the video might be older than the current release.

At least, search in the forum or ask whatever is suspect to you to get answers.

investing less than half an hour into Search function can save hours or days of waiting for a solution