I'm trying to figure out how to set up LibreCAD to use inch line widths. I went ahead and reset all preferences and restarted LibreCAD. When asked for default units I selected Inch. I've set application defaults to inch as well as drawing defaults to inch. The line width drop-down is still in mm.
Also, when I try to print to scale, there are issues where LibreCAD still thinks it is using metric units. I set the paper to Letter, and try to fit to page, and I get this error:
Warning:: Paper size less than 10mm. Paper is too small for fitting to page
Please set paper size by Menu: Edit->Current Drawing Preferences->Paper
The paper size is set to Letter-->11x8.5 inches. It's like LibreCAD is mixing up it's units.
It doesn't look like LibreCAD is really usable in non-metric situations. Or at least there are a bunch of bug fixes needed.