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I've just started learning LibreCAD. Finding a command line option was very helpful, but I could use a written description of how the commands work. For instance I spent half an hour on "Fillet" before I realized that I could type "Radius" after fillet to set a fillet radius. I still haven't found a similar parameter for "Bevel" to let me set the length of my chamfer.
Where are such parameters documented? Another question: I'd really like to trim using parallel lines as two trim edges, but neither trim or trim2 allow me to select more than one trim edge. It seems "trim2" actually just a fillet with radius 0". Still more questions: I can trim around a circle, but not a rectangle. There was an error message saying the rectangle was not an "atomic element". What's an atomic element? |
I don't get that 'not atomic element' message, but in LC a rectangle drawn with the rectangle command is a kind of polyline or block and doesn't respond to 'trim'. You have to 'explode' it to single (atomic?) lines.
Thanks, dellus.
Another few AutoCAD questions: 1) Does LibreCAD support text attributes in blocks? AutoCAD would let you create a block with a text attribute that you could edit without exploding the block. 2) Does LibreCAD support extending a line to another object like a line, arc, or polyline? |
1) In the block list there is 'Edit the active block in a separate window'.
2) That's done with 'trim', or do you mean something different? |
1) In AutoCAD I have a block named "Room". It is a rectangle with two text attributes, a "Room Name" and a "Room Number". The attributes are editable without recreating the block, so I can have many Room blocks. One Room block might have the attributes Room Number = 1, Room Name = Kitchen, the next Room block might have attributes Room Number = 2, Room Name = Living Room.
When I open a DXF file from AutoCAD 2007, the Room Number and Attribute values in the Room Blocks don't exist any more. 2) With AutoCAD "extend" I can select an object, let's say it's a 12" circle. I can draw a 1" line anywhere inside the circle, set the circle as the extend boundary, and then "extend" the line to touch the circle by touching either end of the 1" line. With LC Trim I've only been able to select a single line or arc and trim objects that were actually crossing it. Is there a feature of Trim that I haven't found yet? Finally, thanks a lot for your help dellus, but although I've got the "Alert me by email box" checked, I'm not receiving any email notifications that you've replied to my questions. Do I also have to fill out the "Email this post to" field? |
1) I am not so experienced with blocks stuff, coming from a not autocad-like system. But I can say that LC is much simpler than AutoCad and you can't expect all AutoCad features to work.
2) For me it works to extend a line from within a circle to touch the circle by 'trim', although only one side at a time. Select the limiting element first like LC asks you for (look for those directions). I don't know how email notifications work, I am no Librecad official, just a user like you. |
Thanks, again, dellus.
On Tuesday, February 28, 2017 5:17 PM, dellus [via LibreCAD] <[hidden email]> wrote:
1) I am not so experienced with blocks stuff, coming from a not autocad-like system. But I can say that LC is much simpler than AutoCad and you can't expect all AutoCad features to work.
2) For me it works to extend a line from within a circle to touch the circle by 'trim', although only one side at a time. Select the limiting element first like LC asks you for (look for those directions). I don't know how email notifications work, I am no Librecad official, just a user like you. If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
In reply to this post by dellus
1)Guess I'll have to live without text attributes in blocks.
2)Thanks for the tutorial on Trim. Way cool! AutoCAD trim only deletes stuff up to a limiting feature. The email responses were actually working... but Yahoo put them into my Spam folder. |
Another question: How do I establish plot line weights? In AutoCAD lineweights were associated with colors in a "pen table".
In Librecad lineweights are independent from (pen)color and are set in the pen toolbar. Unfortunately in my opinion the preset is "by layer". But you also can set it directly in mm (I prefer this). If you stay with "by layer" the line gets the weight set as an attribute of the layer it is drawn on. Again unfortunately in my opinion the preset here is 0.00mm. You can adjust that in the layer list.
![]() ![]() It looks as if you could also set "by block", but it seems not to be implemented, at least I have not found out how to set block pen attributes, nor do I know where "default" is set. All this is valid during drawing. You can change things afterwards with tools - modify - properties. In drawing mode line weights will be shown in real world proportions, for instance a 10 m long wall as drawn on the ground with a 0.5 mm thick pen. Only in print preview mode line thickness will look like expected in a scaled drawing. |
Thanks again, dellus. By layer looks like the way most similar to my past. At least that way all my dimensions and notes should be consistent. Just have to set the lineweight as a layer attribute.
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