Persian or Arabic fonts for librecad

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Persian or Arabic fonts for librecad

Hello , I'm using Librecad and have problem with persian fonts.  Amiri-regular has beautiful fonts but it is backward , not connected and just have isolated form of every letter.
 There is the same problem in Autocad too. But also there  have some options for making it better. There are some options in font window like "backward" and also there is an "app" ?! Called "Kateb.lsp" and with apploader inside Autocad , Kateb could give sth like persian or arabic fonts, using persian shx fonts and also turning on "backward" option. It is still not connected (with narrow space between letters) and there are some bugs but some how it works. and there are middle and final forms of letters.
 Is it possible to use "kateb.lsp" or something like that in librecad for typing persian?
Thanks in advance for your help.