Print questions

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Print questions

I have a drawing I've done up for some serious trailer mods for a 30ft 9000 lb sail boat.  The drawing is to scale and I need to print just a zoomed area and only a few or only one layer depending on the part(s).  It is a classic three view mechanical 2D drawing... but need to zoom on one veiw or another (side, end, or top zoomed to a detail as needed, only the layers needed turned on) and print just what I am looking at on the screen...

When I print preview it zooms out to extents.  The one time I did try to print it printed a blank sheet...

I've looked around the settings... even tried zooming in on preview and then printing, no change.

And yes its going to an old Laser Jet 4P on 8.5 by 11, but that's what I have.  Old auto cad 10 would print to it but not zoomed.

So how I print only on layers and zoomed?  
What print language is it attempting?  Where does one set any optional print languages?

Really would be nice to have the parts all dimmed and printed to fabricate from.
