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Reopen drawing and current preferences are changed and units are won't and unable to correct

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Reopen drawing and current preferences are changed and units are won't and unable to correct

3 posts
I'm new to LibreCAD. My last CAD experience was with solidworks about a decade ago.

I'm working on some architectural drawings so in the current preferences I set the units to inch and format to architectural. I made my drawing on the base layer then I added a layer for dimensions and another layer for labels. Dimensions showed up correctly (e.g. 32' -8"). I saved my work. When I came back to it and opened it again the dimensions showed strictly in inches (e.g. 392). I checked the drawing preferences and the units and format were wrong. All my values on the dimensions tab were no longer what I had set. I reset the values to what I remembered as well as the unit and format, but the dimensions will not go back to the feet inches view as it was before.

Why does it seem to not be retaining the set dimensional preferences? And how do I fix the drawings I have now without having to redo the entire thing?
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Re: Reopen drawing and current preferences are changed and units are won't and unable to correct

1694 posts
I can't tell what happened by telediagnosis. Best you provide a sample drawing here.
Maybe you do something wrong when saving the drawing. Save, save as, saving a backup file (#filename.dxf, filename.dxf~).
Or you work on basis of files provided from a different source, some file incompatibility.
What LC version on what OS do you use? Some older versions may be buggy.
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Re: Reopen drawing and current preferences are changed and units are won't and unable to correct

3 posts
I'll have to get a drawing when I get back to that computer. I drew everything from scratch within LC, so there shouldn't be any weird dependencies.

I'm on LC 2.1.3 which is what was in the package manager where I found it. I'm currently using Linux Mint 20.

I figured out one of the 2 issues. When I initially the current drawing preferences changing the units and format in the units tab carried forward into the dimensions tab. When I went to fix it, the didn't carry over for some reason, and I missed seeing needing to change linear dimension back to architectural in there. Which raises the question of why it did this differently the 2 times I went in there?

The biggest open issue is still why did it lose those settings when I opened the drawing back up necessitating redoing the setup?
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Re: Reopen drawing and current preferences are changed and units are won't and unable to correct

3 posts
So I had stumbled on the underlying issues somewhere else. I did some testing of this as well. Apparently it is a bug that you experience when your base unit for the application is an imperial unit. When I changed the application unit to metric, the settings saved to the drawing correctly and I could reopen where I left off.